On 11 August 2022, UN Women Uganda, Action Aid and the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development (MGLSD) convened the National Symposium on the
A study by the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) has cited inadequacy of instructors as one of the challenges suffocating efforts to promote adult literacy programmes in the country.
CCJP is conducting a study on local government and local council compliance with national, regional and international human rights instruments in protecting and promoting the rights of elderly persons in Malawi.
Among others, the study is auditing elderly programmes and interventions at the local council and community level in order to analyze the inclusion of the elderly in local development processes in the country.
Chidothi (left) explaining how acute shortage of instructors has suffocated adult literacy programme in RumphiPhoto by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa TImes
Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati today, Wednesday handed over a donation of 15 out of 27 motorbikes which her Ministry procured to be used by District Community Development Officers (DCDOs) in Lilongwe.
âProcuring of the motorbikes for the DCDOs across will make a big difference in the efficiency of work in the department”, Said Kaliati.
She further encouraged the DCDOs to be proactive, creative, and cooperative and make sure the Ministry gets returns of their work.
In his remarks, Secretary of Administration at the department of Community Development Isaac Katopola said he believes in as far as the issue of mobility is concerned in the district councils, the donation is going to assist grassroots officers to execute programs the department undertakes.