international community make sure that people have the funds, organizations have the funds to deliver precisely the kind of basic care, health care, cash support, protection for children that is so much needed. and what about the refugees all the people who have gone to neighboring chad, which is also a low income country? yes, that s a very interesting point. our estimates are that 20,000 people have fled into chad next door. we at the irc, we have commitments in chad, we have people in chad, but when there s trouble in sudan, it doesn t stay within sudan. it ripples right across the region, so this is a regional challenge as well as a national challenge, and it s one that needs to be recognized as such. is it the case that for understandable reasons the world, europe and the united states certainly are completely, you know, distracted by ukraine? kind of more in the middle of europe and the needs are really very great. yes, i think that there s a
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