e. great am take a look. i m running to lead a greatt wih american comeback. we know the country is on ouree the wrong track. we see il tonir t with our eyes. we feel it in our bones. what i will do is help restore normalcy to our communities, integrit y to our institutionsd to and sanity to our society. we nee ad to win again as republicans. we got to dispense with this culture of losin losing.g. and if you nominate me, i pledge to you that on januarye 20th, 2020 five at high noon,t that i ll be the guyn on the west side of the capitol with the left hand on the bible and the right hand in the air, taking the oath of officey now? as the forty seventh president of the unitei thindcor states . why now?goin i think it sg in because the country is going in the wrong direction.four yea we have another four years of the biden administration. i think some of the damage. is going to be irreversible. allrn right.or here on that was governor desantis right here on fox just moments r
our friend mike huckabee is wit hh us . thank you both for being here. all right. so, governor , let me starti acu with you tonight. i actually wasn t sure if ron desantis was getting in until the end of april. when the legislature made its possible for him to run and keep a seat as governor. he s running now. real clear politics average has trump up by thirty four . okay, now desantis. is averaging about 20% in the polls. how do you see this race it playing out? it s a longs way before o anybody even votes in a caucus or primary. so there s a lot of time forps into things to happen. ron desantis clearly steps intt. the race in the number r two slot, but it s a distanton d number two . and what ron desantis does not have at this point is a fanatically loyal base of people who are as fanatically loyal to him as they are fanatic