Kevin Pantoja continues his look at the Top 500 matches of the 2010s with #370 through 361 including Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt at WWE Hell in a Cell 2015 and more.
Dexter Lumis vs. Johnny Gargano
Backstage before the match, The Way do a handshake to the tune of “that’s the way uh-huh uh-huh we like it.” Johnny is immediately in trouble as he is scared and gets loved. His slingshot spear is interrupted when he cant find Dexter, who goes under the ring and sneaks up on him. Lumis attacks and hits a stalling suplex. Johnny gets a short upper hand but takes a shot onto the ring apron and the tide turns. Theory distracts Lumis and Indi goes to hit him but stops in her tracks. She smiles as she seems enthralled by his stare. She backs away. Candice tries a rana but he blocks, though it allows Johnny to baseball slide him. We go to commercial. Returning, Lumis fights out of rest holds as Indi still gawks at him. Dexter comes face to face with Johnny before they start trading submission attempts. Johnny gets two on a crucifix and hits a superkick but runs into an uppercut and spinebuster for two. He misses the double stomp and has the Silence bl