IT major Wipro has filed at least two legal complaints against its former senior executives including former senior vice president Mohd Haque and ex CFO Jatin Dalal for breach of his employment contract with Wipro. What does this mean?
Wipro and Infosys are pursuing legal action against former executives joining Cognizant, raising questions on non-compete clauses validity in India. While Wipro sued ex-SVP Mohd Haque and CFO Jatin Dalal, Infosys accused Cognizant of unethical hiring. Experts note the challenges enforcing non-compete clauses due to constitutional rights. Past cases lack significant precedents. The desperation to retain talent amid a sluggish market and geopolitical uncertainties might be driving these legal battles among IT giants.
The Telangana High Court has held that a plaint cannot be rejected on the ground that inconsistent and mutually destructive pleas were sought."Therefore, the contention that adverse possession cannot.
The National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”), Hyderabad Bench, comprising of Shri Dr. N. V. Rama Krishna Badarinath (Judicial Member) and Shri Satya Ranjan Prasad (Technical Member), while.