reporter: for a former reporter and brooklyn, that s a headline. tom foreman, cnn.headline. tom foreman, cnn. that s it for us. thanks for watching. early start begins now. caught. osama bin laden s son-in-law, an al qaeda mouthpiece, now in u.s. custody. you will not believe where he was hiding. the dow s history-making winning streak continues as the focus flips to jobs now in the key report. is your situation getting any better. sloshing your way to work. a windy, snowy, disgusting mess hanging over the northeast right now. this is the winter storm that will not go away. sell it, berman. it s not a right to bear arms. it is a requirement. the town that wants everyone to own a gun. good morning. welcome to early start. thanks for being with us. i m zoraida sambolin. and i m john berman. it is friday, march 8th.