Disenchantment Season 5, the final installment, arrives with 10 episodes on September 1, 2023. Created by Matt Groening and Josh Weinstein, the show is set in Dreamland, following Bean, Elfo and Luci. Netflix announced its conclusion on August 1, 2023, adding to the series 50-episode run.
reforms that they might have expected had they had an opposition figure, he was going to modernise things, improve public services and he did do some of that. and he did, for example, take some action in terms of trying to equalise incomes, improve social, tackle social inequality and he has been a big figure on biodiversity and the environment because gabon has an important part of the congo basin rainforest and he has made impressive reforms to tackle that. there has also been disenchantment with his regime and concerns about his health. he suffered a stroke in 2018. ., ~ , ., , his health. he suffered a stroke in 2018. . ~ y . ., 2018. thank you very much for brinuain 2018. thank you very much for bringing us 2018. thank you very much for bringing us context 2018. thank you very much for bringing us context on - 2018. thank you very much for bringing us context on that i bringing us context on that developing story. of course, we have a live page on the bbc website has the very
individual wine that falsely declared victory and falsely claimed voter fraud. the speech was an overt act in furtherance of a conspiracy. that speech at two a.m. was, according disenchantment, the public launching of donald trump s criminal enterprise. the second action in the furtherance of a conspiracy involved rudolph giuliani and unindicted coconspirator individual 2, the third action involved unindicted coconspirator individual 3, the fourth action involved unindicted coconspirator individual 4. there are a total of 30 unindicted coconspirators, some of whom were in the oval office with donald trump. that means of the grande prairie has evidence from bernard iron coconspirators who are cooperating with this prosecution of donald trump s