Has been putting out a lot of the wait time data as part of being very transparent about this. There has been concern that at the facility level they may not be looking at exactly the same data that we were releasing. We wanted to be very careful that we didnt have facility or Network Directors appear to be misleading their congressionals by saying, well, this is where we are and then having this National Data release Say Something different. So there was a caution put out to wait until we had distributed the data to them that was going to be released, and i will say it was an illworded document and it was followed immediately by a statement of clarity. This was not intended that they could not talk to congressionals, to just hold off until they had the data that they could talk to them about and ensure they were getting the right data. You know, we get terribly compromised if we dont if weve got one person saying one thing and another saying another, and we want to make sure as we mov
Expectedn with an release later this fall. It is said to include more than 10 sensors to help track health and fitness. Apple unveiled new service out the annual development conference. Hasdian Chelsea Handler inked a deal to host a new talk show on netflix. Chelsea lately will begin a new show on netflix, the first of its kind. Frequency of shows has yet to be determined but opens the door for a larger variety of original content. Her latenight program on e network is scheduled to end this year. Now to the lead story of the day, time for apples longawaited smart watch may be coming soon. Apple is working on multiple versions of a watch incorporating several different screen sizes and more than 10 sensors to track things like health and fitness. They showed off a new app called health and theyre working with nike and mayo clinic. Joining us is the head of Technology Equity research at s and b capital and bringing in our special guest host, general partner at Kleiner Perkins caulfield b
The cite is reducing shipping times for j. C. Rowlings new book. Orders of the book could take an additional one to two days to ship compared to other titles. The two companies have been locked in a dispute over Profit Sharing from book sales causing amazon to stop selling many of the publishers nearly 5,000 titles. Comedian Chelsea Handler is in deals to host a new show on netflix. She will begin a new show on netflix, the first of its kind. The frequency of shows has yet to be determined but opens the door for a larger variety of original content produced by netflix. Handlers latenight program on the e network is scheduled to end this year. Now to the lead story of the day, the time for apples lonawaited smart watch may be coming soon. They are working on multiple versions of a watch that will incorporate several different screen sizes and more than 10 sensors to track things like health and fitness. Earlier this month they showed you have a new app that could be put into the watch a
It is said to include more than 10 sensors to help track health and fitness. Apple unveiled new service out the annual development conference. Comedian Chelsea Handler has inked a deal to host a new talk show on netflix. The host of chelsea lately will begin a new show on netflix, the first of its kind. Frequency of shows has yet to be determined but opens the door for a larger variety of original content. Her latenight program on e network is scheduled to end this year. Now to the lead story of the day, time for apples longawaited smart watch may be coming soon. Apple is working on multiple versions of a watch incorporating several different screen sizes and more than 10 sensors to track things like health and fitness. They showed off a new app called health and theyre working with nike and mayo clinic. Joining us is the head of Technology Equity research at s s p capital and bringing in our special guest host, general partner at Kleiner Perkins caulfield byers. A physician by trainin
Or working with darpa as we are doing and with fda on this toxicity chip. Working on the brain initiative, a new effort which isugoing to be focused between nih and nsf and darpa and a number of private industries and philanthropies trying to make sure these kind of interdisciplinary efforts that jim was talking about are tapped into in every way. We are always looking at that. We are even looking at our peer review system to ask whether while we claim its the best in the world, are we sure about that . And are we sure our peer review system is reflecting the scientific opportunities of 2014 and not some earlier stage, and do we these to rethink about the way in which those peer review panels are established as far as what disciplines they represent. And we have the tools now with various kinds of text mining to really look and see what is going on in science that we might want to make adjustments for. So were pretty bullish about that. Another thing we are doing, again, this reflects