confirmation, the identity of this individual inside the building. we re efforting a photograph of him. tom, this man has a website. i ve been tryingo get on the website for a few minutes now. obviously a lot of other individuals are doing the same, since his identity has been confirmed. what s happening there on the scene? well, let me give you a scene setter right now. this is the greater washington, d.c. area. it s really hard to distinguish frankly between where the maryland line is and d.c. but we re in silver spring, maryland. you can see the heavy police presence. the dark suvs up there, that s the s.w.a.t. team that came in. and behind them, you can see the disdiscovery building. the discovery complex helps to dominate here in downtown silver spring. it s been a big part of the silver spring revitalization over the kours of the last 5 to 10 years.