are losing their jobs, lost their jobs at almost six times the rate of men during this recession on wall street. and the pay disparity for women on wall street is greater than any pay disparity in any profession anywhere. nationwide it s like 80 cents do the dollar. on wall street, women are making about half what men are making. why is that? i have to say, my experience at goldman, i was there for a decade, and at highbridge, which is owned by jp morgan, was very positive. i never had any pay disparity or discrimination against me. i think i was always treated fairly. in fact i think they were very accommodating to me as a working mother. so they paid you, so that they, all the other women who weren t making money, you were getting the money, is that how it works? dylan, you re twisting my words. i m teasing. i can t comment on the pay disparity because i never had any issues with that and with the discrimination charges, i can t comment on that. i never saw discrimination