that invention is really something extraordinary, and it heralded a different kind of filmmaking. it felt more personal and more weird. he was truly a master of terror. announcer: the movies brought to you by arby s. arby s, we have the meats.
she was a female protagonist, which was unusual at that time. if we look back at doris day films today, we can see she really established a new kind of representation of a career woman who was very much in charge of her own life. she was independent, urban, and that really was a kind of a prototype for the liberated woman. mrs. america might do well to start early in her marriage, a planned cultivation of outside interests and hobbies. in the early 60s, film comedy was very commercial. it was that colorful, fun, freewheeling comedy style. you got peter sellers in the blake edwards movie the pink panther. we must find that woman. at the same time that you had jerry lewis. as a kid, you loved jerry lewis because he was a kid. he was a kid doing all these
one of my favorite movies is the misfits. how do you do? to see gable try to hold his own with a lot of legendary method actors, eli wallach and catalyst and marilyn monroe, it s like a different gable shows up to make that movie, and i kind of love that. you just said you was about to give them to her. i sell to dealers only. that s all they re looking to buy is a horse. i was just wondering who you think you ve been talking to since we met. there s something rough about that movie. visceral moments such that you almost feel it s documentary, that you re out in the desert with the mustangs. i m finished with it. it s like roping a dream now. yeah, i just got to find another way to be alive, that s all. that was gable s last film. that s got a very kind of
ahh! westerns will stay around despite lean times because they re so centric to our idea of what the country is. in one western after another, these human figures are placed on this vast canvas, and in that genre, you can tell any kind of story you want. it is a vessel into which you can put anything. were great at being human. and if all of mankind were made up of kind women and kind men. it would be spectacular if the golden rule was golden to every man. and the good things that we ever did was everything that we can. (announcer) treating others like we d like to be treated has always been our guiding principle.
trench. sylvia trench. i admire your luck, mr. ? bond. james bond. if you grew up in the 60s, it s hard for you not to identify with bond. he was like, i m kicking ass. i m taking names. i m making quips. i got your girl. when did you say you had to leave? immediately. so when the first james bond film was made, a lot of risks were taken, and sean connery was one of those. james, where on earth have you been? i ve been searching london for you. ian fleming and others were not super confident about connery in that role. but the audience reception really proved that connery could pull off bond. there s something i read about you that said you weren t living up to your image. well they pay the fines if i live up to the image. sean connery was so handsome, there s a kind of naughty turn just in his smile. you felt as though you didn t need to know him.