The Themed Entertainment Association's annual event provides a peek into the global theme park industry, and a high-level look at where the industry is heading.
in any way that they kind of joining us now is brian trash of the national spokesman for the united keisher. a volunteer group from louisiana that aids and search and rescue efforts. brian great to have you and i will just think in advance for all of your efforts. that you are near people have been carrying out over the last couple of days and we will continue to do over the next coming days. and they are currently in louisiana, kind of coordinating everything from there. what are your biggest obstacles right now. what are some of your folks been telling you that have been out there? yes thank you for having, us usually are a lot of our leadership when we decided to deploy and we will hang back at our headquarters because, whenever you go to the disaster theater, that communication is very low. just like a reporter was talking, about no cell phone service, no wi-fi. so easy for us to communicate with the network, communicate with the media what we have some communications here back h