really? shepard: i want you to tell the story. tell the story. jonathan: what story? no, i cannot tell that story. shepard: from the clinton administration. you told me. jonathan: because i terrorist you. i am not naming names. someone in the white house party missed a flight on air force one coming from now to dublin in 1997 because that particular person was in the dirty duck, famed, now, thanks to a secret service agent and they are now closed down, and that person walked into a room with president clinton and bono, and he was talking to president clinton at the time, and president clinton said he missed air force one because he was at the dirty duck and bono said i don t want to talk to you i want to talk to to guy because he has been to the dirty duck. shepard: one of the great spots. jonathan: people have been going there for a long time and has the world fallen apart? shepard: in everyone is fine. it is really fine of the until
and i don t say this because i represent her father. shepard: you represent her father? we had him on here. randy: i got all the charges dismissed. i got him on. i was asked and i delivered. shepard: what? okay. i talked about the mystery person in the playboy, issue, lindsay lohan is on the cover. but also on the cover is the name, see, there is lindsay lohan s cover. but, this at the bottom right, you can see a name, and it is issue, chris wallace, don t look at picture, he is not clothed, but, you know, you are all adults, but for those of you who aren t, he is closed, actually, a nice long before about, look at this, very long article. i could never get through this. dirty duck, as well, but, chris