by s vijay karthiksriharikota, india on friday launched its ambitious third lunar mission chandrayaan-3, eyeing a rare feat in moon exploration so far only accomplished by the likes of the us, china and the former soviet union
Sriharikota, AP: India on Friday launched its ambitious third lunar mission Chandrayaan 3, eyeing a rare feat in moon exploration so far only accomplished by the likes of the US, China and the former Soviet Union.
Indian Space Research Organisation s third lunar expedition in 15 years, the hugely anticipated Chandrayaan 3 embarked on its month-long journey towards the moon, piggybacking on
Chandrayaan 3 follows the Chandrayaan 2 mission which did not achieve the desired soft landing on the surface of the moon in 2019, disappointing the scientists.
Indian Space Research Organisation's third lunar expedition in 15 years, the hugely anticipated Chandrayaan 3 embarked on its month-long journey towards the