Rashmika took to Instagram, where she shared a picture from a recent holiday trip she took. In the picture, the actress is seen all relaxed as she enjoying the picturesque locale dressed in a printed palazzo with kurta and sporting black sunglasses.Taki
Although she is still among the 15 songs still in the running for best original song, her film All Too Well: The Short Film , which stars Sadie Sink and Dylan O Brien, failed to advance to the next round of voting for best live-action short, reports Variety.The
The film has been shot in Jodhpur and Mumbai and is expected to release in 2023. During the last day of the shoot, Manoj Bajpayee received a standing ovation from the cast and crew while filming the closing scene which was an intense courtroom sequence. This was followed by a cake cutting to celebrate the film s wrap as Bajpayee and the entire team expressed their gratitude for the work put into this highly anticipated film.The