Director Vidhu Vinod Chopra has unveiled the new trailer for his next directorial venture '12th Fail', which is an intensely thought provoking socio-political commentary film.Talking about the film, he called it a story of hope and the will to .
Vidhu Vinod Chopra has unveiled the new trailer for his next directorial venture ‘12th Fail’, which is an intensely thought provoking socio-political commentary film
Vidhu Vinod Chopra's 12th Fail trailer released today showcasing Vikrant Massey's character Manoj's inspiring journey from a small village to UPSC exam prep in Delhi. Vidhu says that the film is all about hope, zeal and willpower to keep going on. 🎥 Vidhu Vinod Chopra Spills the Beans on 12th Fail, Says ‘Wanted To Make a Story of Hope, Zeal and Willingness To Never Quit’.
One of the biggest names in Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan has been featured on our website several times. Most of the time, it has something to do with his cars.