Many farmer protests across Europe have seriously disrupted logistics chains, blocking key routes, attacking trucks and destroying cargo, often with the police as a passive witness. The cost for drivers and transport firms is huge and growing. They need compensation, says the IRU. The spate of protests by farming groups over the past months use […]
IRU and its member federations from France, Romania and Spain have met with EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean on actions to protect drivers and road transport services amid the ongoing French farmer protests. Commissioner Adina Vălean invited IRU, together with its road transport association members from France (FNTR), Romania (UNTRR) and Spain (ASTIC), to discuss […]
Current protests in France, as well as recent and possible new protests in other Member States, can endanger the free movement of goods, one of the fundamental principles of the EU, while jeopardising the security of drivers and their cargo.