Facing consecutive box office failures in Malayalam in the last decade, Jayaram became one of those actors one could not bet on. But now, he has made a comeback to his home turf, through Midhun Manuel Thomas' Abraham Ozler.
Abraham Ozler movie review: Midhun Manuel Thomas' film, starring Jayaram in the titular role, can be dubbed as a crime thriller that meets the essential criteria for the genre. However, determining whether it has done a good job requires more than a simple yes/no answer.
Known as "ganagandharvan" to millions of fans worldwide, KJ Yesudas shared a profound bond with composer Raveendran, who crafted some of the singer's most renowned songs.
Despite completing Ayalaan's filming in 2020, Sivakarthikeyan explained that various reasons delayed its release until now. Nevertheless, actor Sivakarthikeyan expressed satisfaction with the final product.