Selling everything from candles to jam, seven Missouri retail businesses including one in Jefferson City and another in Vienna will be receiving a state agricultural grant to help spread the word about Missouri-made products.
There have been about $8 million in capital improvements at the sprawling state fairgrounds in west-central Missouri’s Sedalia in the past year.
Sedalia’s Nucor Steel has donated the entire building package for a new Director’s pavilion at the Missouri State Fair (2021 photo courtesy of State Fair)
State Fair marketing director Kari Mergen says that includes campground improvements, brick horse barn upgrades and major renovations at the sheep pavilion and the swine barn.
There’s also been a large donation for a new director’s pavilion near the Centennial gate, which is the area the popular governor’s ham breakfast is held every August. That’s always been a tent in years past. Missouri State Fair director Mark Wolfe credits Sedalia’s Nucor Steel for its generosity.