horse would be. that really acute, direct force.- horse would be. that really acute, direct force. and nowl walk to the acute, direct force. and nowl walk to the shops acute, direct force. and nowl walk to the shops is - acute, direct force. and nowl walk to the shops is an - walk to the shops is an endurance test. i walk to the shops is an endurance test.- walk to the shops is an endurance test. i know look terrible. endurance test. i know look terrible, feel endurance test. i know look terrible, feel terrible, - endurance test. i know look terrible, feel terrible, but i terrible, feel terrible, but good days of having a full phase of make up want to go anywhere are long gone. i have managed to shower and have washed her so yeah, winning at life today. jen washed her so yeah, winning at life today- life today. jen lives with chronic life today. jen lives with chronic pain. life today. jen lives with chronic pain. pain - life today. jen lives with chronic pain. pain that l