officials arrest is not an american. amazing. overall, the raw number of noncitizens getting arrested more than tripled despite being just 7% of the country s population. at least officially. noncitizens are 24% of direct federal drug arrest, 28% of fraud arrest, and 15% of all prosecutions in the u.s. district court for nonimmigration arrest. so the next time they tell you immigrants are more law abiding than we are, they are lying. of course they re lying, they are always. they are definitely lying about that. so, it s easy to have this data remain abstract, though, until it actually affects where you live. montgomery county, maryland, is a place that has been affected. it s a place that s fallen all over itself to accept illegal aliens. now two illegal immigrants have been arrested for raping an 11-year-old goal. one of the perpetrators received an order for removal. he was never deported. a host of wma radio here in washington, d.c., and he joins us tonight. thanks a lot for coming
federal law enforcement officials arrest as a non-american. amazing. overall, the raw number of noncitizens getting arrested more than tripled despite being just 7% of the country s population. at least officially. noncitizens are 24% of direct federal drug arrest, 28% of front arrest, and 15% of all prosecutions in the u.s. district court for nonimmigration arrest rates of the next time i nhl um grads are more law abiding that we are, they are lying. of course they re lying here they are always line for there to fling lying about that. so it s easy to have this data remain abstract though until it actually affects where you live. montgomery county, maryland, is a place that is been affected. it s a place that s gone all over itself to accept illegal aliens. now two illegal immigrants have been arrested for rating an 11-year-old goal. one of the purposes perpetrators or fry files an order for removal. he was never deported. a host of wma radio here in