CPI(M)'s student wing SFI is scheduled to organise protests across West Bengal over the "mysterious" death of Left leader Anish Khan in Howrah district. Khan's family alleged that people donning police uniforms entered their residence in Amta on Friday night, dragged the Left leader, who had gained prominence during the anti-CAA stir, to the terrace and threw him down, causing
With only few days to go before the 23rd party Congress at Kannur in Kerala, the West Bengal chapter of CPI(M) might have to go for a careful introspection to make it politically and electorally relevant for the forthcoming elections in the .
With only few days to go before the 23rd party Congress at Kannur in Kerala, the West Bengal chapter of CPI(M) might have to go for a careful introspection to make it politically and electorally relevant for the forthcoming elections in the state, including the municipal elections this year and the Lok Sabha elections in 2024.
With Covid-19 wrecking the lives of marginalised sections, the Students’ Federation of India is launching ‘anti-dropout squads’ across the country in the new year to identify students dropped out during the pandemic and bring them back to schools and colleges. The CPI(M)-backed students organisation is also planning to intensify its struggle against digital divide in the