vigilant and moderate threats, contain vigilant and moderate threats, contain robust counterterrorism and neutraliser contain robust counterterrorism and neutraliser threats as necessary. and we neutraliser threats as necessary. and we will do that in places around the world and we will do that in places around the world where we do not have military the world where we do not have military forces on the ground. fourth military forces on the ground. fourth, we continue our intense diplomacy fourth, we continue our intense diplomacy with allies and partners. we initiated a statementjoined by more we initiated a statementjoined by more than we initiated a statementjoined by more than half of the world countries, over100 more than half of the world countries, over 100 countries as countries, over100 countries as well countries, over100 countries as well as countries, over 100 countries as well as the countries, over 100 countries as well as the united nations security co