a record of state activities on which it contains the names of one hundred eighty three persons along with the date and location of their abduction another date indicates the day on which the detainee was moved to a. another secret service facility or was released in most cases the follows the code three hundred or say a lowly able poncho poncho took him away that meant death or execution must be apart from our notices the diorio militant is the only document which proves that the abductions with the work of the army in the police force you. give me a part of the record is also devoted to the aquarium otoh it contains the names of those relatives of the leaders of our group who disappeared the result is husband my brother my failures brother power as father. and in the whatever the purpose of this code is to dehumanize them to deprive them of any form of self-determination that s why codes were used in the local it was probably the
he sees is. it is of course painful to look through the log book its pages demonstrate how much these people who wanted to change the country suffered. but it is also about how relatives and about revealing parts of our history like little and yet it is a lot of money is better than the story and at the same time we have first hand proof in the form of a document we can take to a judge and say here is the proof what more do you need. to get the must get. the banks to the diorio merely town and we were able to bring the first legal actions but the military denied everything and the judges were still afraid not one person was found guilty but then in two thousand and five an incredibly important discovery was made another leader feel that there to be in the theater the public
persons along with the date and location of their abduction another date indicates the day on which the detainee was moved to. another secret service facility or was released in most cases the follows the code three hundred or say a lowly able poncho poncho took him away that meant death or execution must be apart from our notices the diorio militant is the only document which proves that the abductions were the work of the army in the police force here. to give them a part of the record is also devoted to the aquarium of talk it contains the names of those relatives of the leaders of our group who disappeared the result is husband my brother my own failures brother powerless father. the little boy the whatever the purpose of this code is to dehumanize them to deprive them of any form of self-determination that s why codes were used in the local it