A chemistry demonstration at Dinwiddie High School in Virginia turned into an explosion, sending three students, as well as their teacher, to local hospitals, fire and EMS authorities said.
CNN Newsource
RICHMOND-PETERSBURG Va. (CNN) - A 10-year-old boy is alive after escaping a fire in his home in Virginia.
Firefighters say if it wasn t for his dogs, that little boy might not have made it. Those two dogs are heroes, Chief Dennis Hale, Dinwiddie County Fire and EMS said.
When the first call to 9-1-1 came into Dinwiddie County dispatch, Dinwiddie County firefighters weren t thinking about the fire as they heading towards the house. Because the whole time you re responding, you know the comments are, there s a child in the residence, Hale said.
When the first fire engine arrives on scene, Hale said they reported seeing flames coming from the front of the trailer.