harold: i thank the team, too. tyler scott, chicago bears, $20,000 dinner tab they stuck it with him. felt he had to pay it all. turned out rookie dinner tradition he didn t have to pay it all. i wish i had been there. dana: that s a good one. judge and greg get you tomorrow. that is it for us. special report is up next. i m sure you have a great show and you have a big night ahead of you, bret. bret: you know, dana so many people miss these handoffs i want to absorb it for a minute. it s great to talk to you. [laughter] dana: bask in it. have a good show. bret: thank you. good evening. i m bret baier. we are coming to you tonight from ph pf fiserv forum. the 8 candidates are going through final preparations as are the two moderators. i m told. one of the candidates, north dakota governor doug burgum will not be at 100 percent physically. he had to go to the hospital,
"Many people may be surprised to learn that the surface of our brain is actually dark and that this darkness has consequences for our experience of consciousness and transformation itself, including our ultimate transformation at death."
charities. the al smith dinner has become an election dinner tradition. he delivthey delivered setting hundreds of millions of campaign money. the next joint appearance will be the big debate next week. it won t be quite as pleasant. monday s debate is different because the topic is foreign policy. spoirl alert, we got bin laden. people seem to be curious as to how we prepare for the debates. let me tell you what i do. first refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate. second, find the biggest available strong man and mers illy attack it, big bird didn t even see it coming. good lines last night they may have been laughing but they are thinking about the polls. real clear politics average of polls and you see the impact of