A function was held at Renukamba Preview Theatre at Malleswaram for the release of the movie’s trailer and two songs recently. “I did not work under any director. I did a diploma in direction more than a decade ago. The shoot of the movie was held for 37 days in Bengaluru, Mudigere, Sakleshpur, and Ooty.”
Though the title Chola may make audiences think that the movie is a historical story, it is said that the movie is about the present generation and has all elements such as love, sentiment, and action.
K.G.F – Chapter 2 Movie Review 2022 : K.G.F – Chapter 2 Critics Rating 4.5/5. KGF - CHAPTER 2 [Hindi] is the story of a man who faces new challenges after successfully taking over an empire. Rocky kills Garuda (Ramachandra Raju) in the Kolar Gold Fields, aka, KGF, and takes charge, much to the annoyance of Guru Pandian (Achyuth Kumar), Andrews (B S Avinash), Rajendra.