Human Rights Watch has made fresh allegations against Greece. The organization accuses the country not only of continuing to engage in the illegal pushback of migrants at its borders but also employing third country nationals, other migrants, to do so.
The 29-page report “‘Their Faces Were Covered’: Greece’s Use of Migrants as Police Auxiliaries in Pushbacks,” found that Greek police are detaining asylum seekers at the Greece-Turkey land border at the Evros River, in many cases stripping them of most of their clothing and stealing their money, phones, and other possessions. They then turn the migrants over to masked men, who force them onto small boats, take them to the middle of the Evros River, and force them into the frigid water, making them wade to the riverbank on the Turkish side. None are apparently being properly registered in Greece or allowed to lodge asylum claims.
LONDON: Greek security forces are robbing and stripping asylum seekers before turning them over to third-country nationals to be expelled across the Turkish border, according to Human Rights Watch. In a 29-page report published on Thursday, HRW urged the European Commission to commence legal proceedings against the Greek government for its treatment of asylum seekers and use
Greek security forces are employing third country nationals, men who appear to be of Middle Eastern or South Asian origin, to push asylum seekers back at the Greece-Turkey land border, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.