The company took to Twitter to announce that the realme 11 Pro series will arrive in India on June 8 at noon. The launch date and time have also been announced on a dedicated landing page on Flipkart. The page currently does not list all of the details for both smartphones., Technology & Science News, Times Now
Rebadged Dimensity 1080 MediaTek has unveiled its newest addition to the Dimensity SoC lineup, the Dimensity 7050. Unfortunately, it is nothing new as.
The previous Dimensity 700, 800, and 900 series SoCs are being rebranded under the new Dimensity 6000 and 7000 series. The move aims to streamline the company's product line and give customers a more comprehensible naming scheme. The core technologies and specs largely stay the same. The Dimensity 1080 has been rebranded as the Dimensity 7050., Technology & Science News, Times Now