Bollywood actress Kajol has revealed how her daughter Nysa Devgn gave up on her captioning skills on Instagram."When I made my debut on social media, everything was under the surveillance of my daughter Nysa. She made it a point to decide .
Kajol, who is known for her work in films like Baazigar , Kuch Kuch Hota Hai , Dilwale Dulhania Le Jaayenge , Gupt and Dushman , among others, is currently busy promoting her upcoming film Salaam Venky .
From the black-and-white era to the OTT surge, Indian cinema has traversed a long road. In its every phase since India’s Independence, it has been influenced by the hopes, aspirations and fears of the people it has sought to entertain - Issue Date: Aug 29, 2022
Shah Rukh Khan has a crazy fan following. His work has impressed the audience. Fans also love the fact that he values his family a lot. |