John Woods and Kevin Stout are vying for the Dillon Town Council seat vacated by Steven Milroy earlier this year. Both candidates have expressed a desire to keep the town moving forward, improve its downtown.
Dillon will hold a candidate forum for its open town council seat at 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 24 at the Dillon Town Hall located at 275 Lake Dillon Drive. The two candidates vying for the.
The Lake Dillon Theatre Co. approached the Dillon Town Council Tuesday, July 19, requesting sustained financial support for its free dual-language, after-school program. The theater plans on expanding its programs to Dillon Valley and Summit.
The town of Dillon and Summit County government officials will likely enter into an agreement that will bring the Dillon Ranger District Work Center workforce housing project into its pre-construction phase. Both the Dillon Town.
Dillon Town Council spoke with Interstate Parking Co. Tuesday to consider whether certain paid overnight parking makes sense for the town. Town Council decided it would move forward with Interstate Parking Co., but the members.