Officials helping to map Tisbury’s master plan discussed concepts and priorities for downtown Vineyard Haven, with the primary goal of preparing for sea level rise and larger and stronger storms. During a meeting last week, topics included the possibility of a storm causing 10 feet of flooding at the waterfront in 2030, and plans to […]
Tisbury planners have laid out a vision for a portion of the town’s business district, intending to enable a better flow of traffic, increase combined greenspace, and allow mixed-use commercial and residential parcels. Their work was presented on Tuesday for the “Vision for Commercial Districts” event, which is part of the town’s master plan process. […]
Tisbury residents had differing viewpoints on how their town should look in the future. On Monday evening, consultants from several firms for the Tisbury master plan presented the state of the town’s business districts alongside the potential paths forward, limitations, and risks they face. The areas of focus were the waterfront commercial district, the downtown […]