The Sri Lanka Retailers’ Association (SLRA), the apex body of organised retail in Sri Lanka, recently concluded the annual Sri Lanka Retail Forum under the theme ‘Redefining Retail: Future Proofing the Forward Journey’. The Forum was opened by Murali Prakash, President of SLRA, who addressed the importance of navigating the challenges faced by the retail […]
The Sri Lanka Retailers’ Association (SLRA), the apex body of organised retail in Sri Lanka, recently concluded the annual Sri Lanka Retail Forum under the theme ‘Redefining Retail: Future Proofing the Forward Journey’.
The Forum was opened by Murali Prakash, President of SLRA, who addressed the
Mar 08, 2019 (LBO) – As Sri Lanka steps-up to middle income status, Sri Lankans are stepping up to new opportunities and challenges. Based on their experience in working with brands and interacting with consumers on a regular basis, Dilini Jayasuriya – Executive Director of Breakthrough Business Intelligence (Pvt) Ltd. and Abhishek Hariharan – Associate Vice President & Head of Planning of MullenLowe Sri Lanka spell out some of these interesting changes that will impact your brand. Blurring of the differences between segments
Well-established segmentation norms of education, occupation or lifestyle markers are losing their potency. Easy finance schemes, trade -in offers and accessible prices mean that so-called ‘premium’ products & services are now a whole lot more accessible. Trips abroad, high-end electronics and appliances are just some of the categories that are seeing changes in their usership profile. Brands need to be mindful about this change in the axes of segm