to work. that s all i know. i mean, this is what i know. my fate s real, you know. if i get out this time, god only knows what will happen. i ll more than likely be back. because brushy mountain is an intake and processing center for tennessee s prison system, dikes, like most of the inmates, eventually transfers to other facilities. i was 18 years old some, like brian lautenslager, are part of a permanent population slated to serve their entire sentences at brushy. i ve been in prison all together 18 years. i come in when i was 18, got out at 24, came back at 25, now i m 36. going on 37. lautenslager is serving a 90 year sentence for armed robbery and criminal intent to
i wasn t out a month and caught new charges. i lived my whole life as a criminal. most people, they fight with that every day. they say i m going to get out, i m going to do this. i m going to get out and do that. they can t come to grips with themselves and realize what they have become is this. this is what they breathe, they eat, they feel. just because they go home, don t mean they leave. their mind is still here. today dikes is being transferred to another state prison and has no regrets. what s your number? 375382. what s your birthday? 1/21/77. told me i was leaving. come back. i m packed up and ready to go. ready to get out of here? yeah. why is that? this place sucks. exit. you don t try to better yourself while you re here, then you re stuck. you don t learn nothing from coming to prison unless you put your feet in the concrete and go
and all the money on the line. britney spears bets on a new career move. if she pays her cards right, she may be singing songs of success. that s all coming up in the skinny. people ready to write britney off. no, no, no. the green is still rolling in. lots of it. big contract for mrs. spears. but first, our top story right now. bomb experts are searching the area where that little boy was held hostage for a week in alabama. two explosive devices have been disarmed. agents found one of those bombs inside the bunker where the hostage situation ended. here s abc s lindsay janice. reporter: a frightening twist that ended in a little boy s life being saved. authorities say they discovered two improvised explosive devices or ieds on the property where james lee dykes was holding 5-year-old ethan for almost a week. the fbi spent seven days planning the rescue, while negotiators kept dikes talking.
we ll get to that this morning. also this morning, caught red handed. pranksters who aim those laser lights at pilots. the suspect who just got busted. and all the money on the line. britney spears bets on a new career move. if she pays her cards right, she may be singing songs of success. that s all coming up in the skinny. people ready to write britney off. no, no, no. the green is still rolling in. lots of it. big contract for mrs. spears. but first, our top story right now. bomb experts are searching the area where that little boy was held hostage for a week in alabama. two explosive devices have been disarmed. agents found one of those bombs inside the bunker where the host an hostage drama ended. here s abc s lindsay janice. reporter: a frightening twist that ended in a little boy s life being saved. authorities say they discovered two improvised explosive devices or ieds on the property where james lee dykes was holding 5-year-old ethan for almost a week. the
across the street, they practiced in a makeshift bunker. when their cameras showed him holding a gun, they swooped in. abc news confirmed that negotiators to convince dikes to approach a door to accept delivery of an item. there, agents set off an explosive device. he fired on agents, they fired back. moments later, dykes was dead and ethan safe. ethan, who has a mild form of autism and adhd, has been through a living nightmare. he s still being observed by doctors, but family say he appears to be doing well. he was running around the hospital room, putting sticky notes on everyone that was in there, eating a turkey sandwich, and watching sponge bob. reporter: his mother said she can t thank law enforcement officials enough for saving her son s life and thanks friends for prayers and asking for