According to police spokesperson, Mahlomola Kareli, the boys, aged 15 and 19, arrived from school on Thursday 1 June 2023. When they got home, they ate the food which was allegedly cooked by their .
The Free State registered 87 New Year’s Day births and health MEC Montseng Tsiu urged new mothers to ensure they breastfeed exclusively, at least for the first six months of their babies’ lives.
According to the spokesperson of the Free State National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Phaladi Shuping, 31-year-old Alina Mokoena prepared breakfast for her family on the morning of 22 June 2022, fi.
Free State woman was sentenced to 28 years in jail on three counts of murder for the death of her husband and two children. She also received 10 years for the attempted murder of her third child.