Anjali was one of the most loved contestants of Lock Upp, and she emerged as the second runner-up of the show. TellyChakkar got in touch with the actress and asked her about her love life and her opinion on Munawar’s girlfriend having problems with their friendship. |
These days, Munawar is grabbing the headlines, as, during the Lock Upp party, he was seen with his rumored girlfriend. Fans went gaga over their pictures. Now in a recent interview the winner spoke about his relationship |
Munawar and Anjali were loved in the lock upp season one and the audience thought that they were dating each other but post the show both clarified and said that they were only good friends. |
Munawar Faruqui has become a household name after his stint in Lock Upp. He emerged as the winner of the show and was the favourite of the audience. TellyChakkar got in touch with Munawar and asked him a few interesting questions. |