Ghanaian filmmaker Emmanuel Kojo Antwi known in the movie circles as Kojo Little, is gaining the spotlight on the African continent with his new series titled "The Avenue". The melodramatic series, which is being aired on Digital Satellite Television (DStv), has become the favourite serial drama of many movie lovers…
Vanguard News
Multichoice slashes decoder prices for a month
MultiChoice Nigeria, owners of the Digital Satellite Television (DStv) and Gotv, has announced a price slash on its DStv and GOtv decoders with effect from February I, 2021 and will last for a month.
The price slash, according to the company, will see subscription to the DStv high definition (HD) decoder, dish kit with Compact package drop to N9,900 from N18,600 on Confam package, while GOtv decoder, GOtennae with GOtv Jolli package subscription will go to N6,900 from N8,400.
DStv Confam is one of the two recently improved DStv packages specially designed for the Nigerian subscribers. With over 120 channels, DStv Confam offers subscribers time with international entertainment, kids, news and sports boasting of a range of channels including SuperSport La Liga, CBS Reality, Fox, BET and Cartoon Network.