Eyes Wide Open: Visibility in Digital Risk Protection
SecurityEditor) • May 27, 2021
TJ Hart, CISO, PlanSource and Executive Member in CyberEdBoard; Todd Carroll, CISO, CybelAngel
Customer data, PII, web apps – your strategic assets are digital, and they require a new degree of digital risk protection. In this exclusive panel, CISOs Todd Carroll of CybelAngel and TJ Hart of PlanSource discuss the needs, scope and practical use cases.
What digital risk protection is and is not;
The distinction from traditional threat intel;
Specific use cases from CybelAngel files.
Hart is an information security executive with broad security expertise collaborating with cross-functional internal and external senior management to drive innovative security solutions for maximum operational profitability and efficiency in diverse arenas. He is a team enabler with proven success managing all aspects of informatio