The Independence Day weekend saw record-breaking box-office collections of ₹390 crore in India. Several movies, including Rajinikanth s Jailer, Sunny Deol s Gadar 2, Akshay Kumar s OMG 2, and Chiranjeevi s Bhola Shankar, performed exceptionally well across languages and cinema formats. Meanwhile, the ongoing strike in Hollywood by the US Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) is causing economic losses estimated at $2-3 billion. The strike is also highlighting the potential impact of generative AI and CGI on the film industry, with automated creativity and virtual characters being among the possibilities.
MEP Alex Agius Saliba, who spearheaded the EU pushback, told The Indian Express that the learning from the victory against Apple “can be used to multiply this success in other industries and devices”. India appears to be already on course to follow the EU’s lead.
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Confluent: “A substantial portion of our engineering team is situated in India, contributing significantly to our workforce. India plays a pivotal role in product development and much of our core development occurs in India,” said Kreps.