Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) is announcing a timely collaboration with IBM to empower young women and men in Africa and the Middle East with the digital skills, workforce readiness proficiencies, and business knowledge needed for successful careers, social wellbeing, and economic growth. DOT will work with local organizations to help young people tap into IBM’s […]
IBM, DOTS to Empower Malawi Youth with Digital Career Grooming
Digital Opportunity Trust and IBM Team Up to Provide Digital and Career Skills for Youth in Africa and the Middle East
Justina Nixon -Saintil: Providing career skills to youth, particularly young women and those from under-resourced communities, can be life changing
Young Malawians, especially women will make part of a global tech-savvy network of youth earmarked to hone career-ready digital skills and business knowledge following a collaboration between computer giant IBM and Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT).
The collaboration aims to empower the youth in digital skills, workforce readiness proficiencies, and business knowledge needed for successful careers, social wellbeing, and economic growth in the COVID-19 era using IBM’s free Open P-Tech platform.