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PANDORA – past, present and future; or, national web archiving at in Australia.
A talk given at the Seminar Kebangsaan Sumber Electronik Di Malaysia 2012, Bayview Beach Resort, Penang, Malaysia, 6 December 2012.
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I am very pleased to be invited to Malaysia and this conference. My thanks especially to Mazmin Binti Mat Akhir for initiating and managing my participation.
I have been invited to talk about the PANDORA Archive, which is the National Library of Australia’s national web archiving initiative.
PANDORA was one of the world’s first web archiving programs, being set up in 1996. So we have more than 15 years experience in this activity.
The pervasiveness of sophisticated mobile devices by our users has given rise to a movement towards mobile delivery of library services. Each week Australian libraries are enabling mobile modules in Library Management Systems. Some are adopting more advanced native apps that offer users browsability, web 2.0 features, digital library cards and other utility functions.
In 2011 the National Library of Australia released a mobile catalogue app and a mobile audio tour for the Treasures Gallery, hinting at our intention to engage in this area. These were stand-alone initiatives that gave rise to a planning project aimed at scoping the Library‟s strategic directions in relation to mobile service delivery.
Our community
Australians have an appetite for stories, culture, knowledge and ideas from Australia, as well as from the wider world. The Library will welcome a growing number of physical and virtual visitors, see significant growth in the use and re-use of online services and content, facilitate increasing use of its unique and rare collections, and reach diverse communities in Australia’s cities and regions.
Australians value opportunities to meet, debate, consume and produce new knowledge, and to give free rein to creative expression. Their preferences for how they do so will evolve but they expect digital access to be the norm. This has and will transform what is possible and what is desirable from the Library as the lines between collection, curation and access and those between the producers and users of these services are increasingly blurred.