Set in 1993, the prequel to Seth MacFarlane’s popular film franchise sees Ted, whose fame has passed, living with and being an awful influence on best friend John; all 7 episodes premiere on January 11.
The award-winning visual effects studio delivered 550+ shots, using its trademark mix of artistry and innovation, creating a breathtaking underwater kingdom – harnessing its ‘Fibre’ groom tool, the project team ensured Ariel and the kingdom’s other inhabitants all had ‘great hair days;’ check out their magical reel.
The studio contributed 259 shots across multiple sequences, including breathing life into iconic characters Sebastian, Flounder, and Scuttle – staying faithful to their original characters while integrating actual animal behavior.
VFX supervisor Johnny Han, working with Scanline VFX, EDI Effetti Digitali Italiani, Mackevision, MR. X, BUF, and Jellyfish Pictures, produced 2,000 shots for Season 1A and 2,500 for Season 1B – including the ‘Shockdog’ - on the Emmy nominated HBO series, set in an 1896 London rocked by a supernatural event that gives certain people – mostly women – abnormal abilities.