when the north koreans are confident in their arsenal and they will be fairly soon, they ll use to it blackmail the united states. not just guam but los angeles. they want to break the treaty with south korea. they want our troops off the peninsula. do they take this seriously? when they hear donald trump thauk way, do they say this guy really might attack us? or do they say he s constrained, the u.s. talks tough? i think they might have yawned a little bit. when they think about it, i think they re going to be concerned. trump is very different from every precedesing president. he used language that does not, in the american vocabulary. so i think they are worried that he is unpredictable. this is richard nixon s madman theory. the idea is to convince the rest of the world that they have to do what we want because we re crazy enough to do something completely unimaginable. andrea was reading off the
crisis, why isn t there someone somewhere who never gets the word? we re not in control of the situation and neither are the north koreans and that s why we work very hard over the next 50 years to make sure weer coordinating with our allies, we re not the ones adding gasoline to the fire quhas president trump did today. the timing is so interesting. you have a new white house chief of staff. john kelly. somebody with a military back ground who came in with a lot of hopes of folks in washington, both sides of the aisle, maybe there would be more discipline, a little more organization, a little more chaos. now you have a situation where this is the president s response immediately after being confirmed with the greatest foreign policy crisis of his presidency. this is his response with john kelly this as his chief of staff. what is surprising is that defense secretary mattis has made it very clear that a war
monday is near 92 degrees. southeast not i a bad forecast. hit and miss typical storms. in the afternoon in florida, friday, saturday through the southeast. we get very hot. dallas near 100 also. sunday into monday. steamy labor day weekend. three day is getting closer. thanks. he was afterthought of candidate after the last debate but dr. ben carson has been moving up the polling ranks and tied for first place. will his unique brand of outsider politics and charisma be enough to trump donald trump? when something isn t working, you look at a different way to get it done. 2016 has got the candidate creeping up the polls, surging in iowa. in the last debate, he barely registered in the national
can a business be.alive? time now for your thursday edition of scrambled politics. we start with a heavy handed hint from the rnc. a confirmed source tells nbc news it s privately passing out a pledge to support the nominee and not launch a third party camp pain. which leads perfectly into a story about this guy, donald trump. imagine this. the donald versus president obama in golf. the stakes, presidency itself. trump told the washington post he d quote love to. he said the same of jeb bush. he said it would be easier than running against him in politics. the daily beast dug this up,
the gop nomination is turning into a mono to mono affair. he said jeb bush is a nice man, but he should speak english in the united states. this mexican video game, players get points for throwing things at candidate until he runs off stage. now this site features which candidate? would you rather support a candidate who shakes every hand or is a germafobe someone that shakes every hand? digging into trump in the process, trump s response, you don t have a clue about life. but bush doesn t have clean hands either. we told you he s stephen