in another war. we want to act on our values and express our values as a democracy but also make sure we hold onto our interests. in that sense we need to be selfish and protect our interests, protect our treasure. that s the line that trump is trying to walk, as every president does. he s walking it in a difrent way. he s really opened t door to some pretty tough characters. duterte in the philippines is a good example. he said things about him that president obama never would have said. but the question, i think, is can you find a balance between values and interests that is keeps america s strength as a democracy intact? we don t want to become like these countries. we may want to talk to them, but we don t want to be like them. with that said, trump is going to saudi arabia on his first official trip abroad. it will begin with an outreach in muslim countries.
the expansion? they should not allow the elimination at any date of this expansion. both by the way, this is a bipartisan outrage, because both republicans and democrats get sick, and both republicans and democrats have children. and to eliminate coverage for 20 million people who have benefitted because of this, 600,000 in my state, people need to understand how grievous this is. what this would do would be to eliminate coverage for 600,000 people in my state, most of whom are tually working people in my state, actually eliminate it. not simply reduce it or phase it out, eliminate it. that s why republican governors are so angry and upset as well as us who have been successful in expanding medicaid expansion, including children. look, they re cutting this that s going to reduce coverage for children in my state. this does not stand for me and we re going to fight it tooth
effect? reporter: well, it was put this hack was announced, it was released really just hours before the ban went into effect. it was really the statement from the macron campaign came out at 11:30 last night or around that time. that was about half an hour before the ban started. so they were able to say that this was a broadside meant to not only damage macron but also diminish confidence in the entire french system, much in the way intelligence officials feel that the hacking last year during the campaign for the u.s. presidential election was targeted not just against hillary clinton but against confidence in the u.s. legal system. matt bradley. i ll have to leave it there. i think a lot of people obviously considering what happened there will be watching what happens there in france. thank you, matt. still ahead, hearing from constituents. one republican lawmaker who voted for the health care bill is now holding town halls today. we ll take you there live to see what peo
fundamental coverage for these people. now, to take this woman and tell her and 699,000 of her fellow washingtonians you re going to kick them off insurance, it is an abomination. it is a mal outrage and will not stand. that s why i don t believe this billill pass. it s why americans across the country will be flooding their senators with messages that this is unacceptable. by the way, the people who are hurt here, let s talk about who they are. everybody who s listening to this today has a loved one who has some serious problem. cancer, heart disease, emphysema. these are working people, these are children, these are 62-year-old people who can t wait to get on medicare who will no longer be able to afford coverage because they have a pre-existing condition. talk about the scam here. for the republicans to say, oh, you re going to get coverage for pre-existing conditions, sure, if we can charge you another $100,000. there was a valuation done of
on friday, the senate intelligence committee asked several trump associates, including reportedly michael flynn and former advisor roger stone to turn over any form of communications they have had with the russians. so put this in perspective for us. how big of a deal is that? and what does it tell you about the status of the investigation? well, it tells you that the investigation is going forward and it s proceeding somewhat slowly as this investigation i assume will take, you know, a year, 18 months. this is going to be an ongoing debacle. but at the same time it just shows that the fact that there are so many lingering unanswered questions is just something that donald trump doesn t need to be dealing with at this stage in his presidency, and it just shows the questionable judgment by so many members of this transition. finally, obviously you don t have a crystal ball, but where do you see this going? do you think it could work its way all the way up? i think that it there