Antonio Spadaro, S.J., announced today that he will end his 12-year role as editor in chief of La Civiltá Cattolica on Sept. 30, and will become undersecretary of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education.
Diego Fares, S.J., who died of cancer last week in Rome at age 66, was arguably the greatest interpreter of the thought and way of proceeding of Pope Francis.
by Silvina Premat
As a result of anti-coronavirus measures, this year the faithful will not be able to gather in the Regina Martyrum church, where Pope Francis lived for a certain period. Before the lockdown, up to 500 attended Mass on holy days. For Buenos Aires’s Chinese Catholics, confession and repentance are important. Praying together gives them the impression of being in China.
Buenos Aires (AsiaNews) – For Chinese Catholics living in Buenos Aires, this Christmas will not be the same as those celebrated for almost half a century. Like people in so many other places in the world, they will have to experience it virtually from home in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19.