At the biweekly board meeting, held this Wednesday, April 14 in videoconference format due to the pandemic, the Network of Public Universities grouped in the G9 made the election of the new president of the group.
Rector Aliro Bórquez, new president of the G9 Network. UCT Photo
photo cameraRector Aliro Bórquez, of the Catholic University of Temuco, is the new president of the G9 Network. Photo UCT.
The rector of the Catholic University of Temuco Aliro Bórquez will lead the group for the period April 2021-April 2022. The new authority had words of thanks for his predecessor, the rector Diego Durán, of the Catholic University of Maule , and made a recognition of the work carried out in the presidency, noting that during his tenure it was possible to significantly position and validate the contributions of the G9 Network to higher education and the development of the country.