Is the Coronado Post Office and its services about to change - including the possibility of closure? That’s what Imperial Beach residents are currently facing.A few weeks ago, the city
“The task force, without a doubt, is probably one of the most important task forces not only in the state, but this nation, dealing with the horrors of slavery,” said Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Gardena), chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC). “This task force is a reflection of California’s leadership and progressive nature that made a commitment to help bridge racial division and advance equity.” By Antonio Ray Harvey, California Black Media Several members of the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans received a standing ovation from constituents of the State Legislature last week for their work over the last 12 months. During the opening of legislative sessions at the State Capitol in Sacramento
A number of elected officials at the City of San Diego are proposing a new GARBAGE TAX be imposed on homeowners next year. Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California and former San Diego Councilmember, says the idea is trash talk and answers questions about the new proposal.
Law enforcement has stated that the SVPs are going to be monitored, making their placement safe.
But Carl DeMaio, former San Diego Councilmember, Chairman of Reform California, and AM 600 KOGO Radio Host, disagrees, stating that he doesn’t feel assured that law enforcement will be monitoring the predators close enough to keep neighbors safe.
DeMaio joined KUSI’s Ginger Jeffries on Good Evening San Diego to discuss the potential placement of the SVPs.
Those feeling convicted enough can email with their opinion on the potential placements.