let s talk about how you will vote on the immigration bill today? yes or no? no. harris: there you have it. we know the reasons why because you ticked them down. yeah, once it goes over the senate, it dut complicated over there. it goes there to die.plicated. it does nothing. harris: all right. representative duncan hunter, i can t wait to have you back. big issues to talk about on a busy day. thank you. thank you. harris: national security adviser john bolton revealing new details about upcoming summit with president trump and russian president vladimir putin at the table. he says he can t tell too much because the white house will give details. whether now is the right time for the two leaders to meet. a former senior adviser to president trump will weigh in. stay close. infamous anti-trump f.b.i. agent strozk on capitol hill king questions fm members of the house judiciary committee. how lawmakersre reacting to the news as it breaks on that next. there s little rest for a