who hasn t had the koven vaccine. that s what they re saying. die on ae. christy hicks is the mother of yulya. she joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on in point. u fo thank you for tape recording those phone calls, because it just shows the cruelty at workid here. at any point. any did anyone from duke universitom hospital expressedversit sympaty as the mother of a child who could die without the surgery? child whno, tucker.y? and actually, we ve been working with duke university our the last two years because our dialysis goes through duke as well. we do it at home for yulya every night. but we ve been dealing with these doctors for two. years, at least from duke. but the two doctors that denied us because of the transplant or because of the covered vaccine,n ,we saw them for an eight hour workup, and that s whena they told us that it was going to be required. and then we kind pushed back abe little bit and they put her incd front of the committee on november 10th. sh