we ve seen a pattern throughout mr. trump s successful campaign. he tries to demonize and distract. and this is one of the latest things here. but so far he or his aides have not provided any evidence that millions of people voted illegally. those tweets have also gotten some criticism from a politically ally of his, right? they have. in fact several republicans we talked to today on capitol hill didn t want to talk about this at all, the flag-burning thing in particular. was something no republican wanted to talk about. but newt gingrich has been a die hard support over donald trump. and he did ab interview with susan paige of usa today this evening or this afternoon and he said something that was very interesting. he said the president of the united states shouldn t be randomly tweeting without having someone else checking it out. you wonder who else hooesz doing. gingrich called it his biggest mistake so far in the three weeks since he s been elected
of not reading his briefs. and you know what they did. they showed him movies. so all i m saying is donald trump is going to bring his own individual style. let s just give it a i m just not sure watching cable shows late at night and tweeting about them is the best use of the president s time. he lost my over two million votes the popular vote and he s lying. he s met with over 60 foreign policy leaders and foreign leaders since he s been elected president elect. so he is given information. whether sitting down and reading a briefing book he s talking with people and revealing the information. and we ll have more ahead. the breaking news t air-conditioning and heating company carrier announcing they have reached a deal with the trump team to keep jobs in indiana. we ll talk about that ahead
substantive meeting. one thing i found interesting is as much as there are those in the trump world in opposition of mitt romney being named secretary of state. nobody is declaring it won t happen. and if there were folks inside that world that wanted to make sure that it wasn t going to that is what they would be predicting. and they are not dismissing that idea outright. so donald trump does have a blessing here in the simple fact that he has a number of candidates for the secretary of state position that are very good, very qualified and have a lot of support amongst people inside inside the republican party. and gloria it is easy to reed too much into a dinner. one side will say well he hasn t had dinners with any of the other interviewees. and spent ton of time with rudy giuliani. and petraeus, and corker and others. but at the same time it s easy
the company tweeted tonight we are pleased to reach a deal with president elect trump and vice president elect pence to keep jobs in indy. in clearly something trump talked about on the campaign trail and could rightly say look i made a difference here. if true it is great. terrific. let s see the details. i do think we have a right to check the details. because sometimes mr. trump sometimes gets a little over his ski tips. but if true this would be an excellent example. it is a tweet from carrier themselves. if true this is terrific and how the bully pulpit ought to be used. i think that is great. if you are beating up on a big corporation and you are the president that is kind of what people want to see. and i d like to see more of that and a little less of beating up on reporters or college kids or the other things. if this is true i want to know the carrots and the sticks you referred to earlier in the show.
call for transparencey.. they are doing it in public. i would have expected a private room. it is very clear that trump wants everyone to see this. sorry, go ahead gloria. it is a reality show. he does want all of us to see it. and mitt romney is a big boy. if he didn t want to go he didn t have to go. also adds to the drama and conversation and donald trump loves that, like that. we should also point out a few moments ago gloria, carrier, a big air-conditioning manufacturer sent a tweet and i want to read. we are pleased to have reached a deal with president elect trump and vice president elect pence to keep close to a thousand jobs